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Gay Guys like me more then girls

Shirtless because you're a cage fighter? What? Do you just go to a restaurant without a shirt on and tell them that? I can see if you took the picture during a match or something, but not a bathroom mirror pic leaning to the side, with low lighting so as to accentuate your muscles... Moving on. I have more life experience, believe it or not. I do know that you're over worrying and really shouldn't care or be bothered. I do know that from looks alone, you've probably ooed a few young women and didn't even realize it. My advice, don't worry, take a compliment, say you're flattered and move on. I don't think there is anything about you that just screams "I'm gay.". Young and baby faced? Yes. Gay? No one can tell from looks alone.
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we still on the shirt thing for real its my pre weight cut pic. Before weight management is my being shirtless that big a deal to you, do I need to retake the pic with gloves and fight shorts on while im dehydrated at a match at their bathroom? It is more convenient for me this way and no I wouldn't go to a restaurant shirtless thats just ridiculous. if a cosplayer posted a pic of themselves you going to ask them if they are going everywhere like that? They are representing a character, I am representing myself, And I am a guy who spends 60% of the day training 5% eating 30% sleeping and 5% watching anime so im shirtless 100% of the time if im not going anywhere its just a pointless thing your making a bigger deal out of then need be, you could have just been like oh oki that makes sense instead you distract from the main point. (also I just shave a lot so I dont look like Sasquatches little brother it does make me look baby faced lol) anyways im done beating this dead horse. I wont respond to you any longer.
And this is what happens when you ask a bunch of online strangers to explain to another stranger the context of something they have no information on. Honestly, what were you expecting? For people you don't know, who don't know you, to magically peer into your personal life and offer some kind of profound insight? It's the equivalent of someone showing up and making a thread saying "My mom yells at me all the time, can someone tell me why?" Also, some of us have given you our opinions, considering the circumstances of having a complete lack on knowledge on you and your daily life, and you've discredited it all. The only posts you've acknowledged are the ones saying "Hang in there, bud! You'll find a girl that's right for you!" To me, it doesn't seem like you're truly looking for the opinions of strangers. You're looking for people, for strangers, for anyone, to coddle an insecurity you have.
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sorry I asked everyone just disregard the thread I guess I really thought a group of anime fans would be a friendly environment to ask for advice. Thank you everyone who had good criticism, and Ideas (Fox Queen, Awkward, Shiroakai, just to name a few) rather than just bashing me or the post. (not going to point fingers you know who you are) I hope in the future we can all come together and critically think rather then just be rude to one another. Again thanks everyone who had the capacity to be both helpful and honest rather then rude and critical.
Straight up man, I wish you luck in the future.
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