
Ongaku @onngaku
Ongaku @onngaku
Hey there!! I recently joined. I like all sorts of stuff, from games to different types of manga. I enjoy drawing, singing, -sleeping-. I can play the guitar, and piano. I'm currently learning the violin. Let's chat sometime and learn more about each other!!

lawlly @lawlly
commented on
lawlly @lawlly
Hiyaaaaa! Music-oriented people are my favorite. <3 Do you have sheet music for anime songs too?? That would be super cool!

Ongaku @onngaku
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Ongaku @onngaku
I play mostly by ear, though I am trying my best to re-learn sheet music. I know a few openings on guitar and I can play almost anything on piano.

lawlly @lawlly
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lawlly @lawlly
Hey anything is great in my opinion. I can't play any instruments (though I did dabble with cello for a few years when I was younger, but none of it stuck). Piano music is the best.

Ongaku @onngaku
commented on
Ongaku @onngaku
Yes I really enjoy playing piano, I've been playing since I was 4. I love the cello as well, when I was in elementary I remember watching this woman play the cello for our music class and I fell in love <3 though I did end up learning violin instead of getting a cello.

lawlly @lawlly
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lawlly @lawlly
*o* hyaaaaaaaaa cello music <3 I know those feels. Theres a guy on youtube that I listen to sometimes, his name is Adam Hurst. Look him up hes got some nice cello videos.

lawlly @lawlly
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lawlly @lawlly

Ongaku @onngaku
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Ongaku @onngaku
It's giving me chills~~ it's so nice ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Johannes @yestotally
commented on
Johannes @yestotally
Welcome :D
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