Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
yeah i think ive gotten around the same, i've been drinking and playing soo much that i don't pay attention to the queues much.
i just want to see my adorbs lalafell with her giant electric katana

Tamiko @mikomura
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Tamiko @mikomura
I've been meaning to play it. I hear it's really good.

jezh22 @jezh22
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
jezh22 @jezh22
It is really good :3 and yeah Lalafells are love lalafell is life <3

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
We should post pictures of our characters :)

jezh22 @jezh22
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
jezh22 @jezh22
Yes!will do after work

Kai Uchiha @saintkai23
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Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Kai Uchiha @saintkai23
On siren. Miqote is life

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
if im to post my screenshots i gotta upload them to imgur first and im too lazy right now.
i've got some pics from when i was a miqote, i've invested a lot of time and gil into getting outfits. and irl money.

jezh22 @jezh22
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
jezh22 @jezh22
Jup feel ya, i been moving between Au Ra and lalafell a bunch of times already

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
Miqote and Au Ra are the ones I keep switching between

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
commented on
Anyone playing Final Fantasy 14?
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
i've spent about 100 dollars switching my race and changing my appearance thus far.
obviously, doesnt include the bonus fantasia from pre orders and such.
but yeah... i just want tiny catgirl.
like the loli catgirls in idyllshire.
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