What Anime made you cry?

powerpn @powerpn
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What Anime made you cry?
powerpn @powerpn
assassination classroom, i sobbed so hard it hurt

ninibrown27 @ninibrown27
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What Anime made you cry?
ninibrown27 @ninibrown27
One Piece > Enies Lobby, when Robin says she wants to live

Beyo @beyozenith
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What Anime made you cry?
Beyo @beyozenith
When Goku saw his Grandpa again in the original Dragon Ball, It still gets me to this day

AspieChu @projectotakux
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What Anime made you cry?
AspieChu @projectotakux
Gurren Lagann's Ending

teufelimpilzland @teufelimpilzland
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What Anime made you cry?
teufelimpilzland @teufelimpilzland
I shed a few ~~or more~~ tears with Kiznaiver

universebalm @universebalm
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What Anime made you cry?
universebalm @universebalm
In Yu-Gi-Oh! when Yami Yugi lost to Yugi Muto and he had to leave. I cried a lot.

Pete Zahut @criselington
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What Anime made you cry?
Pete Zahut @criselington
Violet Evergarden made me misty-eyed
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