What Anime made you cry?

Tenshi @azombieomg
What Anime made you cry?
Tenshi @azombieomg
I just re-watched Angel Beats
And cried like a little baby (again)
The only other Anime that hit me hard emotionally like that was Plastic Memories.
So I'm curious what anime made you cry?

Blank @sweetdeath
commented on
What Anime made you cry?
Blank @sweetdeath

Tenshi @azombieomg
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What Anime made you cry?
Tenshi @azombieomg
I'll watch it next, also thank you.

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
commented on
What Anime made you cry?
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
Probably Anohana, that one got to me.

Tenshi @azombieomg
commented on
What Anime made you cry?
Tenshi @azombieomg
I'll add that to my watch list. Thank you!

cheesycake @calgary
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What Anime made you cry?
cheesycake @calgary
Anohana definitely :(

Tenshi @azombieomg
commented on
What Anime made you cry?
Tenshi @azombieomg
Since it has been recommended twice that moves it up on my watch list. Thank you!

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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What Anime made you cry?
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
The end of 'Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso'
'CLANNAD' ... That was seriously sad.
'Hai to Gensou no Grimgar' had a tear jerker moment.

Tenshi @azombieomg
commented on
What Anime made you cry?
Tenshi @azombieomg
I'm about to watch Your Lie in April with a friend soon and I have Grimgar downloaded ready to watch.
But everyone who watched Clannad seems dislike Angel Beats?
Also thank you!
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