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How physically attractive are you?

I’m Asian, in my eyes, Funseeker doesn’t have typical flaws on his face and he isn’t overweight, I think a Chinese idiom can describe him: 文質彬彬. I give him a 7/10.
I'm not asian but I give him an 10/10 because that's what he deserves
Regular folk just ain't ready for the raw sex appeal I'd unleash into their grey little lives. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ynZY0Gqy4_M
I'm gonna be honest, I'm cute along with handsome as fuck.
I feel I am solidly good looking, especially in the eyes. I used to not think so though (self esteem issues are rough). XD Now I just need to work more on being adorable. :3
I feel like the rating system really depends on your self esteem levels LOL. Because I feel like a 5/10 LMAO. And honestly what would be considered a 3/10 cause I may be a 3..
Can't judge, no picture. I'll trade you a picture of you for a picture of a cute cat. You can even pick the cat and pose. I'm fairly certain I have enough poses. Cat choices are Macavity and Tali.
*Sends Lyzarus flying into the sky with uppercut* How about a picture of my FIST!!!! And nice try, But I'm asking what people would consider a 3/5 or bellow.. Not something else lol.
I'm betting that you are higher than a 5 and just don't know it. Aside from that, I'd take a picture of your fist... I just wanna fucking hand out cat pics. Why does everyone think the worst when I offer cat pics?
LOL NO I'm pretty sure I'm below a 5.. And hahaha oh man, I'm good thanks I have plenty of cat pictures and like 4 friends that use cat memes on a daily level I'm actually pretty good on cat pictures.
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