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Have you ever been catfish'd on this site?

I have faked making an account 1 time, to see if a guy was loyal to a very good friend of mine and I have been ''catfished'' for that very same reason with my ex. I don't really mind it, the account was gone after I heard that the guy informed my friend about it. It was on Facebook btw.
I've seen a handful yeah. They're usually pretty easy to spot. A lot of the time they post as minors, have many anime pics and/or pics of high quality professional cosplayers, and minimal or next to no information in their bio. Maybe stick around for a day or two at most and then disappear.
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Never been catfished before. It's normally just trolls or people who can't be themselves.
Nope. But that's probably because I don't care about your gender or looks on here. So.. I mean there's no point in catfishing me here.
i have more than once. might have been the same person back to back but who knows. all i know is if they look like a cute asian and are WAAAAAY too eager to date you despite never talking, chances are they are catfishing
I remember this one kid on a gaming site tried talking to me, kept hitting on me and building this picture or image of themself; I managed to get 'her' comfortable enough to the point where he confessed that he was a boy, and all of his issues. I was never interested in the image he was presenting, But I did sit down and had a discussion about his actions, aswell as his problems IRL, Apparently he was bullied at school and made this identity of this Girl online; because he genuinely thought he was a girl inside of a boys body. I never trust a majority of what people to say online to be the truth, I'm very skeptical and usually call people out on bullshit. Though I never do it in a condescending manner; because nobody is going to listen to "Hey asshole, What you're doing is fucking wrong, you sick fuck!" Though I do condescend sometimes when i'm genuinely annoyed. Though would gladly sit in a call or party with someone and have a nice 1v1 discussion.
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