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Zenith's Zen Zone

Apr 03, 17 at 11:24pm
everybody is dead DX
Yep. As a doorknob Mikan.
XD Guys Mai Otaku goes through cycles. Sometimes it seems so lively and then five minutes later there's not a soul to be found. Usually late at night or early morning In North America not many of our continent members are found but usually some European's or South African's like Ennis or Australian's get on cause it's either early morning or midday for them. Don't feel too bad or disappointed. It's not the end of Mai Otaku by no means. It just gets like this sometimes. That's part of the reason I disappear for months at a time cause I usually leave during the boring times...
Not saying it's dead for months at a time but I just get caught up in everyday life and real life becomes more important for awhile
This is creepy af http://media.giphy.com/media/JbWricuWviEEg/giphy.gif
http://i.imgur.com/pY01OJw.gif i think this is pretty bad
lol you weren't kidding oppa. That was pretty bad XD I kinda flinch when I see someone do that or snap their knuckles. I hear it's not good for the bones to do that.
yea it freaks me out >.<
Well,you're certainly not alone on that one cause it equally is freakish to me as well lol .I mean are they trying to show off or prove something. I'm trying to figure out how these kind of people process thought. XD
No one home, mods asleep, post captain planet lol http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/captain-planet2_8052.jpg
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