Favorite Quotes

Lamby @momoichi
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Favorite Quotes
Lamby @momoichi
i use a quote off of american dad alot
"Life, eh?" it helps rationalize things and shrug some stuff off
"it happened" i guess

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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Favorite Quotes
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
The Tick:
Isn't sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, Rational Thinking, But when your good and crazy, THE SKIES THE LIMIT!!!!!

Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
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Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
Yes it was slipknot xD

Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
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Favorite Quotes
Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
There comes a time when we all mind out for ourselves that once we have the words the say there's no one left to tell.

elhaym @elhaym
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Favorite Quotes
elhaym @elhaym
Talent grows with Tailwind - Character during Headwind

elhaym @elhaym
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Favorite Quotes
elhaym @elhaym
Show respect even to people who don't deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but a reflection of yours.

Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
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Favorite Quotes
Captain Monteray Jack @hellion1
"When you smile, you make the world more beautiful" Thich Nhat Hahn

Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
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Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
Kiss Kiss Fall In Love (Not fav quote but good one xD)

ThePolarTitan @thepolartitan
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Favorite Quotes
ThePolarTitan @thepolartitan
"Life doesn't give you seatbelts."
This is an amazing quote and has so many applications in life.
Also batman said this, so it's even more important!
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