Ohio peeps

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Ohio peeps
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Hey ohio-ans! Hope I am not the only one.

lolarai @lolarai
commented on
Ohio peeps
lolarai @lolarai
Me! Me! C-L-E!

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
commented on
Ohio peeps
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Yay finally one ohio person, hello there :). You can call me Aries or fallen which ever is easier.

dysfunctionalhuman @dysfunctionalhuman
commented on
Ohio peeps
dysfunctionalhuman @dysfunctionalhuman

robbinca @robbinca
commented on
Ohio peeps
robbinca @robbinca
hi hi im also from ohio :) toledo area

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
commented on
Ohio peeps
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Nice columbus here u guys can add me if u want

robbinca @robbinca
commented on
Ohio peeps
robbinca @robbinca
im going to matsuricon this augest :)

arus2001 @arus2001
commented on
Ohio peeps
arus2001 @arus2001
Eastern border of the state, myself. Nothing cool happens here. :(

Rien @irien
commented on
Ohio peeps
Rien @irien

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
commented on
Ohio peeps
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Awe sorry arus
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