What is the very first video game you ever played?
JacquelineHime @jacquelinem
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
JacquelineHime @jacquelinem
Zelda: Ocarina of Time <3
Still one of my very favorites.
JΩker @psychosho
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
JΩker @psychosho
It was either Mario 1, 2, or 3, Donkey Kong, The first Legend of Zelda (or second one), or Jaws the videogame all on the NES
Don't fully remember which one it was @ _@
cherilura @cherilura
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
cherilura @cherilura
Pokémon of course
Rain @rainx
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
Rain @rainx
Baka @reinhardt76
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
I played my first video games on something like this...
And the oldest ones i can still name are Centipede and Oregon Trail. There were probably older ones I've forgotten.
yisang @yisang
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
yisang @yisang
Tekken 1 in a market street alley in the shopping district of Seoul, South Korea. All of the kids getting out of school and trying to live up the 2-3 hours between going to extra teaching lessons in centers. The sounds of the people and merchants and vehicles clamoring the busy roads as kids haunch over the machine with coins lined up. Paul and Baek going at it into the last 30 seconds of the final round with the pixels blurring as the character strike zones clash. I'll never forget that experience. How things feel full circle that Tekken 7 was recently released, finishing the cursed blood feud in the famous series.
KoziEnzo @kozienzo
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
KoziEnzo @kozienzo
Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive
josh769 @josh769
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
josh769 @josh769
Super Mario RPG
ahri @ahri
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What is the very first video game you ever played?
ahri @ahri
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero on the N64, I was so bad at it lol
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