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im a terrible person

Feb 04, 17 at 11:02pm
^By "real" she means first truly serious relationship lol My previous romantic relationships did not excursively involve assortment of 2D anime waifus.
To reply to an earlier post, don't ever settle for "good enough". Keep an open mind, but if you know you have no common ground with a person, even if they're nice, you have every right to say no. Doing so does not make you a terrible person. On the flip side, don't be one of them who will lead a guy on, or rather lead a guy to believe he has a chance, if you're not interested. Once you realize you're not interested, make sure to let him know. The sooner you do so, the less of a chance the person will wind up hurt by it. Any respectable male should be able to accept that and be able to move on. While my personal feelings about a person only liking somebody for only their physical attributes may show me a person is superficial, the person has every right to do and date as they please.
so far you're just being picky but it'll end at one point when you find that someone. when you're young it's ok to be picky since your still trying to find out what you like it's not a bad thing but at one point your just gonna have to let it go and just put yourself out there. every person has certain tastes and dislikes just don't do things that you will regret in the future were all humans after all and were not perfect
Oldish post but i'll throw in my opinion if anyone else feels the same. Everyone has a different perspective on what they define perfect as, so the odds are you'll find someone who is perfect even if they have flaws to others, in your eyes you'll see them as cute quirks. I didn't think I would find someone I considered perfect both in their personality and appearance but I did, that doesn't mean everyone will view them as perfect though. Though, I wouldn't recommend looking for someone who is flawless as you'll be here awhile since everyone has something that isn't perfect about themselves ^_^
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