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im a terrible person

//edit: im a terrible person IN MY MIND jfc ppl// so ive discovered an issue in myself and it ends up i only like people for their visual appearance this SUCKS because no matter how nice someone is or how smart or how kind, caring, etc i will never be able to be in a relationship with them if they dont look "perfect" to me this also has another side to it THAT SUCKS bc even if someone is extremely visually appealing to me and if they were to ask me out or smth, if they arent kind, smart, caring, etc---- I WILL NEVER ACCEPT THEM!!!!!! im not trying to sound conceited but there are definitely a few boys at school that like me- some are smart, some arent... but none are my picture of visually attractive. this is why im gonna be forever alone..... no matter how much i like someones appearance, if they arent kind, smart, etc i can never go out with them and no matter how kind, smart, etc a person is if they arent visually pleasing to me i can never go out with them and the worst part is my "Dream Boi" doesnt exist like there is not a person on this planet who fits in the "extremely smart, kind, caring, etc but also extremely handsome-in-naeri's-eyes" category just help pls
Jan 26, 17 at 8:20pm
basically im stuck in this "i like people for their personality" but at the same time "u gotta be perfect physically in every way possible u gotta be fkkn adam ok"
Jan 26, 17 at 8:29pm
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i gotchu. like for real. im kinda the same way. just ive been able to settle for descent looking like 7.5 on a 10 scale in the looks department, and good personality. i understand the want to date overall good person only. everybody wants to be treated right, which requires a good personality. Then again you dont want your future kids to look like a titan or a potato face, so you want semi descent good looking person too. totally understadable. your not a horrible person for wanting that at all. Lots of people desire that. Some just give up waiting...and settle for less than desired, afraid theyll die alone if they wait too long. it just depends how long your willing to wait for your desired person. you are in highschool still, so it doesnt hurt to have short term stuff. Some people dont show who they really are inside until they are close with someone. so that fuckboi looking guy, could actually be a nice pesron with people hes close with. who knows. you still got time. if anything, youll learn what you really want from failed relationships as you continue to date. then you think back and remember specific things you liked about some of your past relationships, and suddenly you know what exactly you want in your next relationship or what you really want for the long haul. just date with crushes and see what happens, you got lots of years ahead of you. and highschool doesnt last forever, you wont have a 1000+ ppl your age to choose from walking around you every day once you graduate. anywho, thats my 5 cents, take it for what its worth. im 24 and have been thru some of it already. soo, take what you want from it lol. ive learned quite a bit over the years.
what rein said, having a pet helps! especially when your lonely, they will love you forever and pretty much all the time!
Jan 26, 17 at 8:37pm
You're not a terrible person. Based on THAT? You're just picky and know what you want. That's a good thing. If you're not picky you settle. That's why a lot of divorces happen, people "settling" for bronze when they really want the gold
narrow the traits your looking for down to a few main mandatory ones rather than a whole bunch, and leave the rest optional. Like make a list of what your looking for in a guy, then pick a few you absolutey must have in a guy, and leave the rest as *bonuses*.
I recommend you to accept yourself before bitching about how bad you think you are towards people you can't force yourself to like.
true, accepting yourself is always the first step. and trying to force feelings on someone isnt right either, if you feel a connection go for it! if not, pass?
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