ivr94 @ivr94
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ivr94 @ivr94
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
I noticed some people mention names in mind - it would be nice to see someone make a thread like that where people tell what they would name their future kids o/
saeko @gotchicho
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saeko @gotchicho
Shebang @bonfiyah
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Shebang @bonfiyah
I do want kids. I want perhaps three but only if financially stable. I'm willing to even overwork if I have kids. I'm also open to adoption but I still want a kid of my own. At least one.
saeko @gotchicho
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saeko @gotchicho
If I ever had baby fever I'd adopt so many kids are looking for a home and family, adopt vs reproducing could possibly lead to more tax incomes and less children with psychological trauma/ issues
xxrwbyxx @xxrwbyxx
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xxrwbyxx @xxrwbyxx
id want if i found the right girl one or two
FinalSmile @finalsmile
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FinalSmile @finalsmile
Depends on how much money I have and whether or not my partner really wants them. I won't lie their is nothing about taking care of a baby that I find appealing. However, after they grow up a bit it might not be too terrible and growing older without having children can set a person up for the dying alone scenario...
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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BZ Substitute @brasszombie
Don't have kids, they will just hate you no matter what you do.
You will always have to be responsible and teach the right from wrong and because of that they will hate you.
I have 2 trust me I know.
MmeQuax @ciara97
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MmeQuax @ciara97
Yep, want 2. It's hard work, massive responsibility, but it's something that I want in life. (^•^)
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