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Horror Talk

Sep 06, 17 at 11:09pm
Ooh. Nice threat topic, thanks for starting! Umm, top of my head horror films that stuck out- the Grudge, Poltergeist, REC, The Exorcist, Shutter (Japanese), One missed Call (Japanese), The Orphanage, etc. Gosh so many. I guess it's the horror in the films that mindf**** with you after you watch them. The ones that make you think and grow paranoid.
Sep 06, 17 at 11:15pm
Oh I love Hellraiser and Creepshow (I keep a Creepshow patch on my jacket cause it's awesome!) I like a lot of the classics like Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, IT, Halloween, Nightmare on elm street (Freddy is pretty funny).
super natural is my favorite genre as my family are shamans. The grudge was def. a good one. Love the director James Wan so a lot of stuff he makes such as Saw, Insidious, Conjuring (not that dumb spinoff called Anabelle though haha).
Sep 07, 17 at 12:12am
Oh true! Thats the one I couldn't remember the name of, Conjuring. Top of the wardrobe, nope. Oh and how could I forget the Ring.
Dear Gods, the eye. IT WAS ALWAYS THE EYE THAT FRIGHTENED ME. http://bh-s2.azureedge.net/bh-uploads/2016/03/Ring-Featured-1200x912.jpg
Sep 07, 17 at 12:35am
Holy shit wtf I wanted to go to sleep but guess not.
Sep 07, 17 at 12:39am
ringu had some good bits and i prefered it over the ring purely because it had a better atmosphere, but was too story based for my taste, alot to follow along with and not enough scares to equate xD
Sep 07, 17 at 12:41am
hellraiser scared you vlad?! old horror films are gorgeous and fun but not at all scary, even texas chainsaw massacre wasnt scary, just had great cinematography and idea
i liked ringu until they reveled that it was a virus....uhhhhh yeah....lol
Yeah dude, that was bull. It worked in The Birds with frequency waves, but That's just SUCH A COP OUT when they did that. Eh, Ju-on did it better.
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