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Secret Anime Crush???

TOO Many Waifus! But if u had to go with 1 then probably: Yakumo Tsukamoto
http://66.media.tumblr.com/2310f659c3cad203982ed655c95b9044/tumblr_mka70qCl0N1qkgxf0o1_500.gif Spike from cowboy bebop. Omg sexy as fuck and awesome in general <3
Jul 14, 16 at 2:32am
Kanae from Tokyo Ghoul :re. She's manga-only so far, but she should be in the third season of Tokyo Ghoul, and I hope the anime does her character justice.
It's not really a secret because I wouldn't mind admitting it to anyone who asks. :) Makoto Tachibana from Free! http://66.media.tumblr.com/e9140a307f883b7174c0fe57862d864b/tumblr_ny78qlzhud1uztsmdo3_1280.jpg He's a great swimmer, super responsible, and kind to his family and friends. I wouldn't just crush on him, I think I'd marry him! >_<
http://45.media.tumblr.com/80f952427f7b85cd34189708da0b8f99/tumblr_nw2oi5soFd1rvbl4vo2_540.gif Another crush of mine Genos from one punch man. I know he is a cyborg but he is still cute. I can't help but wonder about if his man parts function or if they do anything fun^_~ Sorry I'm a perv. Sorry not sorry :P
dont say sorry Lenny !! were all pervs here just sayin XD XD
That is very true Erica ^_^
http://cdn.anisearch.com/images/character/screen/37/37438/full/271982.jpg suzuna from dog and scissors she is one very sexy masochist
The man of my life, Guts from Berserk (honestly he has changed my standards for dudes lol) https://38.media.tumblr.com/4fab453fb5bc88255dac316006aa8c15/tumblr_nbcses8MzP1thikfbo10_500.gif
Bitch-Sensei from Assassination Classroom.
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