Psychedelic Drugs
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
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Psychedelic Drugs
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
I just do alcohol. LSD etc seems pretty bad to me. I don´t know if I get addicted to it and for the most point I think it´s just plain stupid to take drugs. I don´t even think it´s good to drink. Being sober is probably the best 'drug'. A clear mind is usually the best thing.
Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Psychedelic Drugs
Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Baka @reinhardt76
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Psychedelic Drugs
Baka @reinhardt76
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lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Psychedelic Drugs
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Ed~ @yamadaed
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Psychedelic Drugs
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Baka @reinhardt76
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Psychedelic Drugs
Baka @reinhardt76
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Ed~ @yamadaed
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Psychedelic Drugs
Ed~ @yamadaed
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yaasshat @yaasshat
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Psychedelic Drugs
yaasshat @yaasshat
Every substance you put in your body, has consequences. Wanna justify drug use? More power to ya, but don't expect everyone to agree with you. To compare alcohol to psychedelics, is to compare apples to oranges, but you seem like a "pro" now. I do believe they have thier place, but I don't think they'd be a good thing for everyone. Enjoy and be safe.
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
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Psychedelic Drugs
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
I´ve said in my short text that I am basically not even happy with doing alcohol. On a social and on an intelectuatl level still I think no drugs is the best thing you can do.
If I want to explore my limits I go skydiving or jog to extend my limits.
I don´t need to cut me with a knife to know that I would feel pain after it. You do you and I do me. I explore my body the way I want to and I don´t need drugs like LSD for that.
I drink because I enjoy the taste of it. That´s about it. It has nothing to do with self exploration etc
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
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Psychedelic Drugs
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
Edit: Btw I am not judging anyone I just try to move on with my own life. IF you get addicted I don´t care if you don´t and live a happy life I don´t care either
I occasionally drink btw mostly with friends but sometimes I agree with Stephen King on the social point of drinking
You do you
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