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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

idk man alot of people are raped (mainly women but there are guys) no one really brings it up because its humiliating. who really wants to step forward and say this person took advantage of me and treated me like i wasnt even human. whenever someone does come forward it kinda in a way lets the others know. its ok and you dont have to be scared
not saying they didnt lie, idk for sure what trump has done...im not him and im not those girls.
You realize you just called the majority of the women on the planet liars? More than 75% of all the females I have known in my adult life have been raped at some point in time. Rape and molestation is an epidemic, almost always perpetrated by men.
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"you don't know because you weren't there so don't assume it didn't happen" well YOU don't know because YOU weren't there, so don't assume it DID happen. "if people assume they're lying they'll be afraid to come forward" Too fucking bad. I'm sorry but someone being "afraid to come forward" when there is no threat on their life or health is their choice not to fight for their own justice. if you're not willing to fight for it you don't deserve it. and by fight for it i don't mean whine about it on social media or in chatrooms, forums or somewhere like that. i mean REALLY fight in a court of law to bring your attacker to justice. people act like "listen and believe" has ever been a good idea in any reality ever. It isn't. you must be skeptical of ANY accusations that a crime has been committed. only after proper evidence has been brought forward to substantiate the claim should people begin to believe. ESPECIALLY in the case of hate crimes where no perpetrator can be found(mysterious messages drawn in chalk or anonymous reports of nameless thugs). ESPECIALLY since SJW groups are NOTORIOUS for faking these types of things.
The section of my above comment that relates to not "listening and believing" and the importance of evidence and fighting for your own justice can indeed apply to cases of rape and i stand by it in that context but how the hell did the conversation suddenly become about rape? jesus...
Trump isnt all that racist at all I mean if were going on remarks Hillary is way worse (superpredators anybody?). Deporting ILLEGAL people back to their homeland is racist? Making sure middle eastern people are cleared before entering our borders or not letting them in because people from that part of the world want to and have done America harm? If that is racism I suggest grabbing a dictionary and assessing things further. Racism cries these days are so "boy who cried wolf" that legitimate cases wont be taken as seriously. Writing Trump off as racist is ignorant and lazy. Hes much closer to a sexist than a racist. I notice all the people getting on Trump for sexist ways ignore the stuff Hillary has done against women. Imagine if Trump had gotten a rapist off and laughed about it....but because it was Hillary its ignored....given the information out about Hillary if youre going to (rightly) chastize Trump than to be consistent chastize Clinton otherwise shut the hell up.
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