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League of Legends ranked

Lol I used to main Talon before the update, and honestly he was pretty damn weak compared to the rest of assassins. But I've never lost a game with him now, ofc he's permabanned but everytime he's open and I get mid it's gg. I mean, I killed a Yasuo at lvl 2 in like 2-3 seconds. It ain't even the parkour, but his damage is stupid on so many levels now. He's prob gonna get nerfed into the oblivion along with Kha'Zix once the actual season starts lol.
the damage is insane now, but then again who doesnt do insane amounts of damage? *cough* viegar, brand, velkoz, nidalee
At least the 1st three are immobile sitting duck mages. But let's be honest here. Nid was never a poor pick in any matchup since she was released lol. She's kinda like the frost mages from WoW if you ever played the game, they were never ever weak. xD
the thing with nidalee is she is rewarded for back lining and can do close combat. her spears do more damage the longer they travel (so stay in back and peel) then the burst from a combo in her ult form is insane. (charge in on a squishy). true they are sitting ducks...the thing is can you get to them? one combo from any of these guys can pretty much turn the fight around
Her speer used to do a huge amount of damage. One spear long range would almost kill a squishy. That was before they did the rework I think. Actually soraka is great against zed. Ults you or the carry just put down the silence where ever zed ults and he can't go back to his shadow. Same with jinx, zed ults you and just place rockets under yourself. Had a team comp that was designed to fuck zeds day up.
i was never scared of zed XD sure he can fuck your day up if you were sorta low health but he is easy to kite. nid doesnt seem to be doing that much damage as before but long ranged spears are no joke thats 1k damage depending on ap and its spammable. the up close spears barely do damage im noticing
Sure assassins have their counters, nobody's completely indestructible (except a fed Vlad T_T). But you mostly have to depend on the team as an adc. Especially when you're something like Kog'Maw. Then you're pretty much free food. Won't lie though, it always makes my day to have a Zed ult me as Ezreal so I can just E into the nexus or tower and take him there with me. Then spam my mastery symbol in his face for maximum cancer. :P And yup, it's easy to get on top of a mage once you get QSS or grab a cleanse if you're mid.
when your playing against someone like annie you might as well not worry about using that cleanse XD burst damage is insane. one combo could leave you with a gray screen.
No it leaves me colorblind *_*
Actually it takes 2 shots for Annie to kill someone. But the first shot will melt your health and the second auto or ability will kill yah.
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