I Can't Word

ArthurAsp @mario241
I Can't Word
ArthurAsp @mario241
This is a club for people who can't word properly!
Who's in?!

LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
commented on
I Can't Word
LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
But why though?

ArthurAsp @mario241
commented on
I Can't Word
ArthurAsp @mario241
But why not?

LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
commented on
I Can't Word
LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
BUt since we can't word then we have to make some synonym rolls

dandaman @dantheman06
commented on
I Can't Word
dandaman @dantheman06

LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
commented on
I Can't Word
LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
Did you find the recipe?

LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
commented on
I Can't Word
LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen

LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
commented on
I Can't Word
LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen

LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen
commented on
I Can't Word
LonelyQueen @lonelyqueen

dandaman @dantheman06
commented on
I Can't Word
dandaman @dantheman06
Hmm, les say this real fast:
She is Cindy sitting by the sea cleaning sea-shells by the seashore with a thesaurus licking a thimble
-btw i'm automatikally in this club since my interwebz filter makes me not word propurly in the 1rst playce-
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