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Muscular fitness

I'll probably start with just general all-around exercise for a month or so before I focus on specific body parts more. Just to get my body used to it so I'm not super-duper sore.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:16am
That'll work just fine. In fact it's probably preferable starting off. Where you're at you just want to cut off excess fat and then start working towards muscles afterwards.
I've always drank milk, mostly in cereal. I recently started taking canned Sardines to work as a snack to avoid being tempted by the candy bar snack machine. Plus I don't eat much fish. I need more vegetables too.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:18am
I don't know your cardio vascular either but try to run around jf possible you can also walk around with dumbbells in both hands at your sides as an exercise as well.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:19am
The omega3 in fish is really good for you xD People think I'm nuts for loving fish so much. You should still try an extra glass of milk too.
Running would be great, although it's starting to get cold. Wonder if I should do that at the beginning or end of my workout?
Oct 30, 16 at 12:25am
Since you're wanting to lose weight first do the cardio then the weights. Reverse it when you lose the weight you want in order to start muscle growth.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:25am
But don't exhaust yourself too much with the running when you start off.
So my thinking is something like: Wakeup around 10pm, get ready for work. (I don't usually eat around this time but I should probably add a meal here) Get to work at 11pm Snack between 2-3am Sardines, bottle of water. Sometimes I also eat a small bowl of cereal. (no time to eat much later while at work) Get home about 7:30am. Maybe a quick snack. Workout for an hour till 8:30am and have a nice breakfast of eggs, toast with peanut butter, maybe orange juice or something. Chill/sleep till around 6pm (I should start eating another meal around 1-2pm) at 6pm eat dinner. Nap or relax till close to 10pm, maybe a snack and head to work.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:34am
That seems to be a good way to tackle it. The nutrients and such should be digested by the time you need them. It's also good that you eat eggs, the protein is really helpful for this.
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