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How do handle a relationship especially the LONG DISTANCE one?

It really depends on both people's personalities. I've seen people who honestly would not do well in LDRs and my best friend married her LDR of like 7 years. They didn't even meet each other IRL until like the 6th year.
I have had long distant relationships in the past, sometimes it can be nice other times really suck. Since they are so far away. I am open to them only because I am an adult now and hope to date someone about my age who can support themselves that we can find a way to meet in the future. I heard from someone on youtube who experienced a long distant relationship, he said communication is key. Telling each other what is on each others minds since you are so far away from each other. Just knowing what is on each others minds can help a lot, of course people will disapprove and say it won't last. My parents have told me they might not even live there or be that age after I have seen them. So it is up to you on your trust level as well. I do wish you luck if you get into another relationship that is local or is far away.
I've been in two long distance relationships in my life. Both ended poorly. The first just stopped talking to me with no explanation. The second ditched me for some other guy without telling me. Long distance romances just don't last long. The main reason a lot of people don't stay faithful in these relationships is that, as humans, we always want more. Simply texting/messaging each other isn't enough. We want to actually see each other in person. Why be with an online gf/bf that lives far way when you can have someone who you can actually spend time with in real life? That's why I don't care for LDRs anymore. It's just a waste of time and can leave you heart broken. Online dating only works if it becomes offline dating.
From my experience, it's the most difficult type of relationship, and you have to remember that it takes two people to make a relationship work, so it would really not matter how much effort you put if the other person puts no effort. Constant communication is a must, no matter how you are communicating. It's also extremely important to talk about emotions and even every little detail of your day or how you are feeling. Many people in this type of relationship fail to do this often. Sending each other pictures is a must if video chatting is not an option for whatever reason. If you attempt this type of relationship at a young age like I did, believe me, you are going to have a difficult time. Take this small piece of advice from a boy who tried and failed this type of relationship before.
Eat pineapple pizza, and chill. All else fails, throw the pizza at the monitor as you skype.
^ Like you took the words out of my mouth! Physical affection is a must for me and I usually withdraw away from LDRs since I'd rather be with a guy in real life.
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