The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Yu @metaljester
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Yu @metaljester
We could always have a multi party system of elected officials in place with equal voting power when it came to decisions, the majority would have to agree for something to pass and it would have to be demonstrated to a selected group of big thinkers all who went through a rigorous selection process not indicated by financial status "all showing capabilities observed and demonstrated in their career" that it was viable as a option. Their thoughts would be reviewed by a negotiator between the candidates and the group that run the analysis on any decisions.
The people would also have the final ruling in this of course in terms of the election candidates, thereby no longer would we need just one candidate we could have full system of elect people each with varying ideas backed by rationale and tested via a alternate group and a presiding negotiator that would be monitored by others which were being monitored as well for any corruption of the system.
If only it were that easy,
This is a interesting thread though, I raise my cup to its continuity.
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Give me a moment to corrupt your proposed system Yu
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Throw either current candidate in. Insta-corrupt
Yu @metaljester
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Yu @metaljester
Its quite easy to corrupt actually, almost like any other system that's why one has to make a system that can adapt and change on the fly in response to corruption a pipe dream at best^^
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Feel free to watch this CGP Grey video while I do:
And if you don't know the issues with first past the post voting, watch this video first. Don't worry, it is a short and very enjoyable well done video ^^:
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Aww well now you took the fun outta doing it Yu XD
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I was going to list the president and vice president along with congress, but I changed my mind when I realized I would have to relearn the entire workings of the government. I would, but I'm not in the mood to do all of that. XD
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
This account has been suspended.
Sunbae @alanzd
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The MO User Who Would Make A Better President Than Trump or Clinton
Sunbae @alanzd
Okay, you can be my Vp, Teacup!
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