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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

In my experience, being a nice guy has only gotten me friend zoned...so girls...if you can explain it, that would be great...and everyone else ..you can share you friend zoned stories here
Basically to boring and bringer of death. Let me explain, I actually just figured this out recently. Usually females (the cute/hot ones) don't like nice guys because we aren't fun to be around but that's not the whole story. Beneath that ideology is the level of life/excitement. Excitement means life in a way. It's the main reason females cheat on nice males in the first place (or vice versa). All humans are destined to die one way or another, and no one likes that idea. A positive, fun, and exciting person blinds that fear of death for females (and males as well). Think of things you like, like anime, TV shows or anything you like to do. Why do you do those things? That answer will be the same answer for females but in the opposite form if that makes sense. I basically learned this by asking a girl I liked out recently at work and she actually laughed at me and made fun of me. She called me a crybaby and made fun of me in front of everyone. and no she isn't mean or rude, she showed me something. The reason she doesn't like me is because I'm not exciting for her to be around. I'm basic and that's the end of my life in her eyes. You'll have to get rejected in order to understand what I mean. But the main reason anything in the world is popular is because someone has ambition which is exciting and blinds the fear of death for most people.
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I havent friend zoned a guy, then again I havent been asked out..... so I guess Im not much help. Although I did get friend zoned myself so I guess Im on the same boat! Keep being you, if they dont like you for you, they weren't meant for you!
Always? Kind of a broad statement. And "nice" guy? By who's account? Yours? Should you be rewarded for being nice? Are you selfless?(Rhetorical) Am I to take from this that only "not nice" guys get the girl? Huh, well I'll be damned... I guess I'm not known as an ass for nothin'. Dude, I'm just being real here. No one owes you anything, not even for being what you perceive as "nice". Clearly you're not nice if even being a friend is not what you want. You want what they don't and whine about not getting what you want, because clearly you deserve it since you're such a "nice" guy. Nice guys aren't all boring doormats and can actually be the alpha type. The guy saying they don't get the "hot" chick (Whatever that is), clearly has seen absolutely no real relationship and is not coming from a place of logic. What you're doing is saying they owe you since you put so much work into something YOU wanted and when they say let's be friends..oh shit...does not compute... I'm sorry, but the nice guy routine is a tad over done and is usually a huge lie. This just comes off as entitled and selfish. Take this with a grain of salt. I don't know you, I'm only criticizing the whole nice guy notion. You are you. You are not defined as "nice guy", whatever that's supposed to mean. I just wonder how many women you ignored or "friend zoned".
some of guys change for the girl , for better or worse . But you can learn from your experience ,being nice is good that what make human survive but being too nice is not good for your. being bad is not actually that bad or should i say selfish , selfish people likely use someone for they own benefit .Our fate is harsh but no matter how painful dont lose your hope , dont lose your dream , never give in, and you will find you're way . Peace
Tbh don't worry about it. That woman would not be worth your time if you have to "play games" to date her. Trust me it's better she said no than bring you into a bitter relationship. Keep being you and a wonderful woman will come up.
Sigh, these topics keep being made again and again and again. -_-
I agree with yaasshat, I find it hypocritical if people act nice only just to get a girl. Be nice for the sake of being nice. I also don't think any sane woman would consider a serious relationship with "the bad guys", but if you want to just try dating for some time, not being serious, illuminous's comment would be good to read. Yet again, it all depends on people as well. Besides, friendship isn't bad, you can still hang out with that person you like, you like her for her company, right? Then it should be enough in my opinion.
While you shouldn't be nice just as means to an end, and you should be nice in general, it is also true that the lack of excitement has a definite impact. If you don't seem like the type to get their heart racing, they won't share said heart with you. So, either change who you are as a person and become less predictably nice, or vanilla as some people term it, or work out because damn personality or meanness, abs or muscles seem to grab the attention of many girls. Not all, but many. That or money. Now I anticipate angry gals and guys following this up saying those girls are shallow, look for better girls... I am only stating facts to get a girl, I said nothing about that girl being The One or future wife and mother of your kids, unless you can find someone like that with the money or muscles method, then more power to ya. Also, tell the better girls to stop settling for less than good guys, getting abused, betrayed, cheated on, etc. And the so called nice guys won't have to settle for girls that are bad for them in long term. Let's make the world a better place and cooperate!
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