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I suck at love

I'm nearly 19 and I've never had a girlfriend. I've had good friend relationships with girls but nothing even remotely serious. Once a girl that I had known for about half a year visited for 5 days but the day after she had left she stopped talking to me. In short I'm wondering if I have any hope left.
Everyone always has a chance at love. "There are a lot of fish in the sea" "blah blah blah" while I believe that is true, it is extremely corny and people hear that a lot. Appreciate the time you are as a single individual because I'd rather wait and find the right one, than go down the road I did spending time with all the wrong ones. You have to be happy being single and I know you may have been single for a while, but don't think just because you haven't had a single girlfriend invalidates you for a relationship. And when you get in a relationship, don't put everything you have into that one relationship because she may not be the right one (or he). It all matters in the end who you pick because remember, if you aren't happy or make you believe yourself that you're happy in a relationship that you've only know that person for a limited amount of time, then you're wasting your time. It's hard to come across the right one. I'm still looking for my uraraka! You'll find the right one eventually, but just enjoy the time you have as a single individual.
Aug 07, 16 at 7:57pm
Dude, 19 is really young, don't sweat it. Enjoy your youth, don't take finding a relationship so seriously. If I could go back in time and give myself any one piece of dating advice, it'd be to not place so much importance on having a serious boyfriend and trying to keep him happy. I really wish I had made myself more of a priority than "finding love". For now, just date casually and focus on you.
Aug 08, 16 at 12:48am
Take the time to improve yourself. In my teen years, I was concerned about love but after awhile, I focused on my studies and surpassed my "friends", who said I wasn't going to make it far. Don't expect too much with love. If you expect too much, you'll surely get disappointed when it doesn't work out. Improve yourself first.
Aug 08, 16 at 2:56am
I feel like most of my worries about never dating stem from the girl mentioned in my original post. She was essentially a part of my daily life for half a year and then suddenly she was gone. I believe this may have caused me to develop abandonment issues, and for 2 years now I've been trying to repair those but to no avail. It's affected a lot of aspects of my life including how I interact with people and even led to me developing slight takotsubo cardiomypathy.
I didn't even have a gf till I was 19 and didn't lose my virginity till I was 21 and she cheated and dumped me. I almost didn't graduate high school and I dropped out of college because of dealing with feelings for a girl I could never be with. Girls will fuck you up and young girls are the worst, they are in love with a different guy every other week. Take your time, look for a girl you can be good friends with first and later it might develop into something more. You have plenty of time to find someone.
Aug 09, 16 at 11:18am
Love is a skill, not a talent. I'm 28 years old, and only had one real relationship. (And ironically, it started when I was about 19 as well.) Lasted about a year, broke off, took a long period of time to really get to know myself, got back out there. had a few unrequited crushes (Some with me chasing after a girl who liked someone else, and others with girls who liked me, but I couldn't return the feelings. And one important one that did have mutual feels on both sides, but other complications caused us to never exactly enter a relationship), started working for three years, lost my job and my car in the same day, and low and behold, I have my free time back, so I'm poking my head around again to see who's out there. Right after college, as you get into the world, you're bound to experience a severe lack of available women to date, but as you reach about say 24, assuming you've been developing yourself as a person, building both social and practical skills, suddenly you start to see where all the women have been going since then. Single guys within the 18-22 age range (who aren't in college) just have a much harder time competing with guys who have grown up a little, and have all their shit together. And that mostly has to do with how the values in what women are looking for in a men change through out the different stages in their life. Figure out what women actually want (And that's hard, considering all the junk the media tries to convince guys and girls what they feel girls should want, so you may have to sift through a lot of corporate bullcrap to get ahold of that information), and you have a road map on how to appear more attractive to women. I wish I'da known all this when I was your age. May you experience a more fulfilling life than me.
Aug 09, 16 at 6:20pm
I agree with Quiet! It is important to figure out what you want to do in life! And don't settle for something that raises red flags when on your first times of dating. Always trust your gut feelings! As Chocopyro suggested.... Gain some experience and enjoy your journey! :D
Aug 17, 16 at 11:30pm
As mentioned above, 19 is still very young. If you're in collge, try to put yourself out there joining clubs and trying to be a bit more social. I never had what I'd consider a serious relationship in high school and didn't get what I'd call my first serious gf until 21. Give it time and work on improving yourself and it'll come in time.
Welcome to my life kid.
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