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Yoko's rejects club.

When i was 14 i was a crazy goth kid i joined a site called vampire freaks and spoke to a girl the same age as me from england and she seemed lovely at the time and she also prewarned me she was in a open relationship and that was fine but about 4 months into it see told the other guy i was hitting on her and stuff because their relationship became offical which she didnt declare with me and then i had to take pictures and upload pictures of the conversation and yes take pictures of the conversation to proof to her bf she was flirting with me aswell and yes take photos because screen shots did not exsist then then he just started on me saying how i am gf stealer im like wtf and decided deactivate my account the made another but never went back to it i swear catfish
Ive been rejected a lot. so i belong here. It sucks really, and not just rejection from someone i like, but from people i wanted to be friends with. Happens a lot and I use to be use to it, but hey, I guess being alone aint too bad. Gotta get use to it again ^w^
I givin up on finding my significant other. For a lot of reasons however the big reason why is that I calulated my chances on finding a significant other than it turned out to be 0.0000000000001% chance of finder her. So with me figuring out my calculations and ending up with such a low chance I might as well give up
Hmm... Been over 20 days since I've asked someone out on here... Didn't get a "yes" but also didn't get a "no". She just asked if in fact I'm in Japan right meow. More than likely it's not gonna happen. No worries, more crepes, ice cream, and coffee for me.
Aug 28, 16 at 1:21pm
It sucks being rejected. We all have I guess, last year gave my heart out to a girl only for her to go out with a jerk who treats her like crap
Some form of farther complex?
If we're going for being rejected.. Only twice did I attempt anything on here with someone. Unfortunately, the 2nd one ended recently due to communication difficulties, but the first person was someone I took an interest in. Smart, funny, you know, the whole 9 yards. The subtle rejection was a bit rough, but school is more important, especially in that field.
I haven't found a person to handle me yet...lol
Sep 05, 16 at 11:32pm
I'm not sure if this applies, but I have been denied before do to race, but it was oddly in a nice manner. I've been denied or told because of this before, but hey- what are you gonna do? heh. ^_ ^ *nibbles on cheese cake*
hey we all get rejected. I don't actually mind getting rejected anymore. I use to mind when I had lower self esteem, but now that I'm happy with my appearance it really doesn't bother me to be rejected cuz I know that i'm just not what that person is looking for. and as long as i'm putting my best effort in myself then plenty of people will want me. and i haven't had a problem since.
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