Illinois ?¿

generalsnipe @generalsnipe
commented on
Illinois ?¿
generalsnipe @generalsnipe
All in the big city of chicago.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
Illinois ?¿
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'm a couple hours from Chicago

error1 @error1
commented on
Illinois ?¿
error1 @error1
Hyde parkish area.

lawtrafalgar @lawtrafalgar
commented on
Illinois ?¿
lawtrafalgar @lawtrafalgar
Lombard, IL here

n a e r i @naeri
commented on
Illinois ?¿
n a e r i @naeri
i live in illinois! also theres little to no spoken racism where i live so i dont here any racist slurs (given i do live in a VERY nice and quite large area-- anywhere 1-2 hours away from here tho is pure hell and white hick central)

Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
commented on
Illinois ?¿
Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
What part of Illinois is white hick central? Is it northern Illinois?

chrisqazwsx1 @chrisqazwsx1
commented on
Illinois ?¿
chrisqazwsx1 @chrisqazwsx1
I live 30 mins away from Chicago in the boring city of Park Ridge

mattman @mattman
commented on
Illinois ?¿
mattman @mattman
I'm from centralia il but right now I'm living in odin il

Nickudes @nickudes
commented on
Illinois ?¿
Nickudes @nickudes
What's up I'm near Edwardsville Illinois, by Alton and Granite City.

I'm Tsukiko13 @tsukiko13
commented on
Illinois ?¿
I'm Tsukiko13 @tsukiko13
I'm here!
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