What is the worst ending in anime?
puritygonewrong @puritygonewrong
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What is the worst ending in anime?
puritygonewrong @puritygonewrong
Most anime endings are horrible because they just a)stop the anime without finishing it or b)they rush through it. I'd have to say my least favorite ending would be Nana. For a long time it was Inuyasha but then the final act came out and made it all better.
Earl and Fairy should indeed have had more episodes.
cronort @cronort
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What is the worst ending in anime?
cronort @cronort
I would say D'Grey Man and Bleach. Because they don't end. :( Discontinued
Oh... And the time that Luke Skywalker dies. Worst ending ever.
Then the ending of Angel Beats. Because I never wanted it to end. So, yeah!!!
Qepton @qepton
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What is the worst ending in anime?
Qepton @qepton
I'm gonna go with School Days, not sure if 100% bad but 100% unexpected.
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