NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Akira Saito @akira_saito
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Akira Saito @akira_saito
Its really funny cuz here in northern America/Canada its seen to be like a good term like 'nerd' or 'hipster' or 'bookworm' like its seen as just an identifying term for people have an interest in anything anime. But in Japan, things like Otaku's and Neets arnt seen as good things. Being a 'real' otaku would mean by being an anime fan by japans standards i think and Otaku is a negative term there. So i dont think anyone should aspire to waste their lives being a 'real' otaku/neets. Nothing wrong with being a fan or wanting merch or simply just not enjoying working, but I think there are limits..
I'm kinda with Yaassshat on this one, its just not healthy.
Animekid @animekid
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Animekid @animekid
The real/outside world is unhealthy >.>
Animekid @animekid
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Animekid @animekid
I stay at home and inside as much as possible and go out only when necessary.
Sunbae @alanzd
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Sunbae @alanzd
I am currently a NEET as I finished my summer courses last Friday :)
The only work I do is volunteering as a swim instructor at my Paseo club until I start school again in late August :)
Yuki @ichigo55
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Yuki @ichigo55
Im just an Otaku.
I agree with you there, Neet. Ive seen many things hardly ever relating to anime here on the forums too.
Its by half choice for me, I suppose. Anime related things are practically central in my liffe, and I find it amazing such an art form can change a person for life like this. Though sometimes, I do wish I could get out of the house for something other than the mundane tasks I already have. Like a date, perhaps.
Actually, that just implies one reason why Im here.
Coding for the Singularity @ainzooalgown
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Coding for the Singularity @ainzooalgown
I'm not a hikikomori/Neet anymore but I plan to work 95% of the time at home.
Too much violence, risks of accidents outside.
Jiro @jiro
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Jiro @jiro
I'm pretty much on par with @Animekid's last 2 comments. Honestly the only thing keeping me from being a full Hikikomori is the necessity for money, sun and fresh air 1-2 times a month and contact with people because, I tend to get lonely after a bit unfortunately.
Coding for the Singularity @ainzooalgown
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Coding for the Singularity @ainzooalgown
I wouldn't mind being very social in a perfect virtual reality world like Overlord anime.
The world should be anime-style though.
Animekid @animekid
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Animekid @animekid
I hear ya man.
Animekirk @animekirk
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NEETs/hikki/real otaku
Animekirk @animekirk
Becoming a full fledged Otaku actually saved my life believe it or not. true story. so I dont think it always has to be "Unhealthy". tho unfortunately the necessity for money has not left me with as much time for my hobbies as i'd like.
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