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I need some advice. How can I be a better girlfriend?

I need help. Me and my boyfriend got into a huge fight yesterday. Because I was spamming him with messages and his wall. One of the many issues that I suffer from is OCD and I have tendency to freak out and get spammy if he doesn't reply right away and I have this compulsion to tell him everything that's on my mind. What can I do to be a better girlfriend for him? He's currently threatening to breakup with me if I post on his wall or message him before the 17th, the day when our break is up. What should I do to control this compulsion of mine? I've never felt this way about any guy before and I truly love him. I'm very scared of the possibility of losing him. If someone could give me some advice or maybe PM me that would be great.
Let him know EXACTLY how you feel. Talk to him and tell him what you said here. If messaging is what causes him to break up with you, he surely didn't feel about you how you feel for him. When you say "break", do you mean you two are having issues and are on a break from each other? I mean, it sounds like he's making all the rules while expecting you to have to follow them, rather than a mutual thing. It really sounds like there's much more than just to many messages going on here. I'd suggest that you talk to him and give him an ultimatum. He needs to make his mind up on whether he wants to be with you or not. Stringing along while you just wait and hope, isn't fair either.
I can't talk to him. He threatened to breakup with me if I posted on his wall or messaged him before the 17th. Plus, he just unfriended me on here and I didn't even say anything to him.
Well, unless he speaks up, there's no way for anyone to get his side. I'd say, move on. It will hurt, but you will heal. Obviously he's done and if he tries to play games by crawling back, it's to late. I'm sorry, I'm not in your shoes and really can't say what you should or shouldn't do. As for me, I'd be done, move on and just give this whole site a break for a bit. This just sounds like childish games and not at all how a healthy relationship works or how love really is. Edit: He still has you on his friends list, as do you him. As I said, this all just sounds like mind games.
You shouldn't have to change for anyone. If he doesn't accept you for who you are he's not good for you. What's more is restricting you like your some animal that has to be trained is kinda a duck thing. You deserve better. I say break up. Be yourself and you're already a good girlfriend.
Well, yes we're taking a break because we're having issues with each other. Maybe, I should breakup with him, but it's too early to decide on anything yet.
And here I thought you said he unfriended you? Look, stop worrying and stop playing games. Be straightforward. You say you love him? Surely the only communication is not had on here... Anyways... If this is not what you want, don't hurt yourself for the sake of hanging on to "feelings".
Ultimately what you do is up to you both, I'm just saying, I dated this one girl who cut off communication with me and it was hell. I felt like it was my fault, like I had to make up for it. Same as you and this fella. I say talk to him about it. Level with him about how you feel and see if you guys can find a compromise. Its better to say you tried to be rational and talk it through than just broke it off. I hope when you get a chance to talk to him things go smoothly. Fights are never fun for anyone. :/
Yes, I truly love him. If anything, he'll just get even more angry if I message him. So, that's why I'm gonna wait things out.
That's probably for the best. I really hope he cools down so you guys get a chance to talk. If i can ask, how long have you been together. You don't have to answer if that's too invasive.
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