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How do you know the person is right for you?

When you meet someone, what are some cues that let you know they're a right match for you? When you finally start getting to know them is it normal for feelings to change? Do you always have to profess your love for someone? Are there times where you can still just be good friends?
It's hard to say honestly - for me it's very sudden and depending on what the person does (Then again, I don't even know what they do) then my thoughts on them can change dramatically in a short time. But until I really feel like I'm falling for the person, I won't tell them my feelings yet. But saying that, I can end up having feelings for more than one person so in that case it ultimately depends on who I fall for the most.
I always make a conscious effort to know the core values of someone before I date them. Because yes, feelings change when you discover them too late. But its a long process, and takes seeing someone in a myriad of environments, studying how they treat the others in their lives, and what sort of impressions they leave on those closest to them. Keep in mind, I'm not digging through their garbage or anything. I'm just being attentive. I usually do end up confessing some point down the road, but I try not to make it dramatic. I personally think love really doesn't need to be said, or even shown. It just needs to be experienced. And yes, you can still be just good friends, but that in and of itself is another expression of love. Its love, but without the brain chemicals and genes urging you to mate with them.
I trust my gut The few times I didn't were disasters but I can know pretty easy if I can trust the person with my life
For me it is an instinct kinda like a 6th sense however it only works well if it is in person !_!
I've been interested in this question myself, so I'm anxious to see everyone else's thoughts on the matter! From personal experience, I've never had that moment where I thought to myself "This person is for me. I'm going to marry this person." If anything, it's been quite the opposite! I have that moment of "We're not going to work out. Either I can stop it here or it will happen later down the line." Usually, I give the person a chance, we both get deeply involved, but inevitably ensues. Hasn't discouraged me from trying, however. Wait, but is this from the transition from friends to partners? Or from the point of partners, onwards? If its the former rather than the latter, I've never dated my friends.
It's a bit different depending on if you meet them online or in person. Lots of girls are cute but there are times I've seen a girl and instantly wanted to be with her and I'm not talking just sex. Like something about her made me instantly obsessed with her. Later I might get the chance to get to know her and we might click or not. Some girls I only kind of thought were cute but really liked them when I got to know them. Now online you are basing it completely on mutual interests and personality unless you already know what they look like, still, a few pictures are different from seeing them in person. But for the most part you tend to look for people that have lots of mutual interests and you get to know them better you can base your feelings on that.
Myself, I tend to find most girls (and guys) boring, shallow, naïve or some combination of those. I personally like more alternative and unusual girls. Same with male friends. I'm attracted to and tend to attract unusual people and I like it. http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/weirdos199996.gif
Usually they take a genuine interest in you, your life, your interests, etc. They want to spend time with you, do things with one another, share things and hobbies. You also liking them helps, are attracted to one another, like how they carry themselves around you and others, and don't think their personality is crap is important too. My biggest problem with women I've dated in the past handful of years is getting out of the dating phase and into a full-blown relationship. Something I do, like, or a part of my personality completely turns them off and I eventually get friend-zoned after a few weeks.
When you don't have to ask that question.
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