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Edgy as fuck, NOT

Hey everyone,I´m new here , i don´t know if you guys whiplash new comers but fuck it i will know soon enough. I´m here because I´m an introvert so real life Isn´t for me and i feel lonely through time to time so long story short,I´m just like every other otaku except i don´t like awful anime ^o^
Jun 06, 16 at 7:13pm
Hey, welcome to MO! Hope you enjoy your stay here. Nice Saya avatar, by the way. :) You read a lot of visual novels?
Jun 06, 16 at 7:18pm
Not really. I have only fully red Kara no Shoujo and im currently reading Saya no Uta but i decided to take a break after getting the first bad ending XD. I´m looking for a visual novel that feels like kara no shoujo, i fell in love with the main female character Toko but she is gone not to be seen in the sequel ;-;. What about you ^.^
welcome :)
Welcome to MO!:D you'll fit in fine because most of us are friendly and introverted as well.
You came to the wrong neighborhood you edgy motherf*cker http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2y0TvYiZO_o/UElbUqcnP9I/AAAAAAAABfY/q0WrIw8EVmU/s1600/TARI+TARI+09.png Lol jk jk welcome to the site man hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here Try not to get whiplashed too bad
better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/866/698/cc9.gif don't worry we're pretty nice peeps me thinks but welcome!~~
Sounds like someone needs some FREEDOM.....
avoid this person at all cost^ for ur sanity :)
Jun 06, 16 at 9:01pm
So is freedom like the dominatrix version of the anime free ? And my sanity is long gone dear rose glasses chan friend
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