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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

^FILTH AND LIES!!! Maybe where you live. Not here. 99% of the bathrooms I have been inside in my life they were right at goddamn knee cap level when you're sitting on the pot.
What makes me lose hope the most is the introduction of "safe space" in universities. In fall of 2016, I'll be attending a top tier UC school. You'd think that they'd be open minded about the opinions of others and be willing to debate them in a civil matter, right? Wrong. You're no longer welcome to be even the slightest bit Conservative in UCSD without people raising their pitchforks. Safe space? What. The. Fuck? What the hell is this? You're adults going to a top tier school. What is this "safe space" what happened to the progression and the erotic conflict? I also hate political correctness. This is coming from a bisexual minority. Like shit. I hate the lgbt community sometimes.
http://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/aCI-v1s5eyRL3ilxTJQS5A/o.jpg ^^example This is the level they are usually at in this area. Though the walls seem further apart. It's soooooo gd annoying.
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I'm not going to question why you have a picture of a toilet on your device.
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