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Should Abortion be Legal?

Jun 03, 16 at 3:02am
@Queen oh yeah the rape cases are the hardest cases for both sides. Especially when the rape victim has personal connections with the rapist. Since the proof lies within the prosecution, they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim was actually raped and that it wasn't consensual. I don't know how it is in other countries, but I believe all states allow abortions in the US. So even if the case is lost, at least you can have that going for you.
And I do accept that people will commit terrible crimes... It's unfortunate, but there're certain humans who cannot help themselves in that regard. I do not accept that we have to kill innocent people so that we can get revenge on hard criminals.
Jun 03, 16 at 3:04am
@Majin I also have to accept that innocent people will die to murderers that won't have to worry about the death penalty. It's a lose lose situation. But since one does prove to actually lower crime, I have to go with the lesser of the two evils.
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Jun 03, 16 at 3:06am
Considering that the percentage of innocent people sent to death is 4% and that homicide rates are at an all time high across the world, it's not a surprise to me that I support the death penalty. There are people who don't deserve to live under the same sky as the rest of us.
lol this is turning into another topic.
Jun 03, 16 at 3:08am
I love this thread. I live for this. Conflict turns me on. I'm such a pervert.....
You can "prove" that? I don't see how you could possibly do that. Maybe take identical twins with a brain condition that causes them both to lack empathy and have violent outbursts. Put one in a state without the death penalty and one in a state with the death penalty. Do you really think you'll get one happy and one bad outcome? And I'd rather not choose between any evils. Seems like a false dichotomy to me.
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Jun 03, 16 at 3:13am
I'm just happy people can debate on such topic. At my gymnasium only few people could and usually we had same opinion so I could barely call it as a debate.
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