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Why is everyone in drama mode?
http://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ Please play this music while you read this message. Time to confess my sins. *finger guns* EYYYYYYYYYYY, u guys just got punk'd! I didn't think anyone would take this srsly from the way i posted my thread but thanks for all the love and support. I didn't know so many people loved me. I felt like I was in the pokemon movie and ash died and everyone sent him their tears to revive him. me http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8a1dzPeNR1qiqegzo1_500.gif u guys http://38.media.tumblr.com/450d32855f162b5f4a6b4ca128b7cc79/tumblr_inline_n0ejvs1Xu31qbygev.gif But this has been just a rlly elaborate dare, i shall not mention who dared me in case of flame towards him. I love you guys, i will always be meme'ing till the end of time, or until my last breath. Sorry for any cause of heartbreaks, or misunderstanding! OH and stop deactivating cuz of me.
Well this is quite the turn of events - Queeny you'll be missed by quite a few and hopefully you do return you seemed to have quite a bit of banter and something going on with quite a few people. Seems we have a number of people leaving because they couldn't find what they were looking for in a short time. That is their choice and it isn't necessarily an indictment on the person or the community they leave. Maybe we weren't the best to (in this case) queeny but on the other side of the coin maybe we were good but for her own reasons couldn't see it. We can only help and be there for someone only so far - as much as they let us. If there's a predetermined outcome in someone's mind its very hard to shake and change that. Sometimes you don't see all you need to see when it really is there and you think you're going off of whats real but you're not (and the bitch about this is that you don't know it until its too late). What I have observed around here is a collectivism (among the regulars) that I don't observe over many online communities and it is commendable and it is unfortunate that people don't give that a chance. I see a bit of a "you're one of us and in a second we will rally around you if you need us too". When people are legit down I see people swarming to pick them up and that makes this a great place for anyone - particularly those who haven't had much in terms of positive compassionate relationships (in a comrade / friend way in this case primarily). Sure we won't all get along and such is life but as a whole we don't tend to let tensions between a couple of people create a toxic atmosphere.
Yaaaaaaaaay ❤️❤️❤️
Thank God you're back queen.
omg the drama was real in here XD IM SO SRRY. and thanks for ur long post napalm, im really feeling the love. <333 People are rlly supportive on this site, if u ever need a friend, im here fo u~~~ I wouldnt just up and leave this site.
queeny back at it again XD i seriously had no idea you even made this thread until you guys told me to play along
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