Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
HavePun @havepun
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
HavePun @havepun
What I like is how the plots finally diverge between the TV series and the books :-) TWICE AS MUCH GOT!! =D
xynox @xynox
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
xynox @xynox
But I haven't watched TWD in ages... I stopped after the 3rd season.
Veru @verucassault
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
Veru @verucassault
But Season 3 is when Crazy Rick makes a pretty regular appearance in the seasons that follow. After Season 3 is when the audience realizes that Rick has became Shane. 8( what a waste. LOL
Vindal @soulstealer
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
Vindal @soulstealer
I haven't watched GoT yet, but i do enjoy the TWD I also been reading the comics too.
Wonderlust @sica
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
Wonderlust @sica
GOT all the way.
Got irritated with the walking dead; walkers :/ just say zombies
Cero @cero
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I'm watching games of thrones. First I've herd of walking dead.
The misunderstood @nekokitty0706
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
The misunderstood @nekokitty0706
Game of Thrones all day!
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
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Game of Thrones vs The Walking Dead
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
wow game of thrones is beating the walking dead...
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