Confess how you feel
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Confess how you feel
Lisanthur @sanfi
@Kiyo I'm with many on this one. Also, you might lose the fantasy of you two ever being together, but it also opens up the opportunity for you to move on and find that fantasy, only in reality instead of in your head. Still, that is IF she will reject you
kiyo @kiyo
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Confess how you feel
kiyo @kiyo
@Manami (σ≧▽≦)σ
Thanks mana!:)
Maya @maydragon
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Confess how you feel
Maya @maydragon
Just know Sanfi will be here to support if thinks won't turn out well.
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Confess how you feel
Lisanthur @sanfi
@Maya I'm always support. That's why I never play online =P
Maya @maydragon
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Confess how you feel
Maya @maydragon
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
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Confess how you feel
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
I'm here for support and comfort, milady. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Confess how you feel
Lisanthur @sanfi
@Kiyo Mani isn't the only one Lots of people here that will support you if anything goes wrong and cheer you on when everything goes right
kiyo @kiyo
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Confess how you feel
kiyo @kiyo
yeah, i agree with you..but what would you do if you know that she can never fall you back? can you still take a risk to confess?
kiyo @kiyo
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Confess how you feel
kiyo @kiyo
thanks guys ^_^
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Confess how you feel
Lisanthur @sanfi
@Kiyo First of all, how can you ever be completely certain? Secondly, you can always confess. It might weird her out a little, but if you're friends she will understand and you might have a best friend you can confide everything with ~.^
Also, she's not your entire world, even if it feels like that right now. If she gets the feeling she's incredibly important to you and she gets the feeling that this is essential for you, this might scare her off. Try to keep it cool like: "I really like you and I wondered if you'd like to go to a movie some time, just the two of us/ go on a date with me."
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