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Hey Guys :3 This is my First Topic. Please Share Your Feelings For Your Senpai :3 http://static.matngu12chomsao.com/4rum/2016/03/449336_b85b23a7691c226342b882d25a7c725f.jpg
I love my senpai, he is cool, fun and easy to tease
Oh? Whos Your Senpai? Is It Panda-kun? :3
Ahaha panda? More like I am his senpai. That little boy who builds garen build on AP champs....so much to learn But foxy who is ur senpai
Thats Secret My Sunny-chan :3
Apr 17, 16 at 11:57am
Soo whos Flower-chis Senpai?
Apr 17, 16 at 12:23pm
@Arazno That's what everyone is trying to figure out. She is truly an enigma xD My Senpai is going to the movies with me tonight, but just as friends, because she's under the impression that she can only hurt the people she loves. Her description of me, however, suggests that she might have a little crush on me ^^ My Senpai is an anime-lover too and she's in my class and we have a shitton of things in common. She's also funny and the way she keeps forgetting things and gets things messed up is really cute, especially when I only need a couple of words to break through the chaos ^-^
Aww sanfi ur senpai is not panda too And what do u mean by enigma XD Foxy ara ara
Apr 17, 16 at 12:36pm
Flower-chis Senpai is Imagionary :P
Apr 17, 16 at 12:38pm
If, by senpai you mean my ''love interest'', she's gone. Suddenly from the site, from Skype, from Facebook. Just poof, gone, without a word or a trace. It wasn't really love though, that's why I put those '' on love interest. It was more like, I like her much, she liked me back(at least, that's what she said too me), but nope, she's gone
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