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Is ps4 really worth buying?

I have always been a Playstation supporter. The Xbox is good and all but Playstation is my favorite. I plan to buy the PS4. xD
Yes worth it . I have PS4.
Mar 28, 16 at 3:20am
depends on what genre you like & what titles you lean towards, I like consoles in general but I find at times certain things consoles are just not able to do. Mostly due to the competitive behaviorism's Sony & Microsoft display. I own a ps4 it is very worth it, but I bought originally for final fantasy 15 & it is yet to be release & since certain titles are being limited due to not allowing modding as you can do on PC games I am finding that I even tho I grew up with consoles I am leaning towards PC gaming. example I bought Skyrim then after awhile new quest, new weapons were release to pc release then I bought fallout 4 & the same is happening & it is showing me that even tho ps4 is very worth price, you have to get to a point where you can afford it & the games & find out what titles you will want that may come out to ps4 only that you think you would hold dear in the next years to come. That way you are not spending money on something you very well may not like down the road. other options is to do as I do save then buy ps4 then save build a pc then you can play everything to your hearts content without feeling any type of pressure.
Mar 28, 16 at 12:34pm
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@neet lmao this guy probably plays xbox. Anyhow I need to get one for my fighters and RPG's so ps4 here I come.
Get a Wii U - has so many more titles worth playing, a lot of the games on PS4 are already on PC, and the ones that aren't are... okay I guess, just not worth the hefty price tag. The XBOX One is the worst though - don't buy it.
If you already own a gaming PC, even if you buy the PS4 for exclusives, chances are it's not going to get used too much, not to mention the whole PS4.5 crap that's being heavily rumoured (not sure if it's confirmed yet) I have a gaming PC, PS4 and XBone, whilst I find the XBone redundant as it's barely used even though I got it for exclusives like Forza and The Master Chief Collection, I do use the PS4 a bit but still no where near as much as my PC and it's gotten to the point that it's almost becoming a waste of money buying the PS+.
I have a PS4 ... while I would want to say Yes ! buy a PS4 ... my current answer would be ... Wait ! ... PS4.5 ( PS4K ) will be out Q4 maybe it'll be Bundle with Final Fantasy XV... and if so .. then I am buying one even tho I already have a PS4
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