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Pika-Chan's House of Whatever

@Comedian You obviously have some things you are dealing with but no one deserves the hatred you throwing out, she isn't the right person for you by the sounds of it so let it go and work on being happy for you. You are just throwing out words you can't take back to hurt because you feel hurt but that is not helping anyone and certainly not making you feel better.
Oh i feel so much better. Unless you ask Allison. She'll tell you i need coke to be happy.
Just take all your damn negativity outside and stop trying to make others feel bad.......even if you think they deserve it @Princess.....sure you do.......and you just had to say it here bravo......do you finally have a life to live
Oh if anything, you should all know she told me my dead friends are bitches burning in hell and that ill be there with them.
Drop it Heather. I definitely am hurt by Allison's actions and I wish she didn't do what she did but she did. Just had to take me anger out I guess. :0
It is not the snake bite that kills, it is the venom. You make a choice on letting this hatred and anger fester, or choosing to let it go and be free from it, it won't affect me at all if you want to throw your tantrums on a pokemon fan thread because I am not losing sleep over this, goodnight, and sweet dreams everyone.
None of us are but i really want her to see this Die from herpes Ally
Well I got to say this is a lot of info you should say in private......cus if you hate someone fine hate em.......don't just throw words around if you do so it means you don't hate rather you r just angry.....if you hate someone you leave em......if you don't understand then you know nothing bout hate.....now with that said guys try to chill out and stop this
I'm ten times better than him the fuck? I'm not freeing her from shite nor will I help her.
Oh believe me I'm sure I hate her. Right Ally? See this shit you fucking coward
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