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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

Bumfuck kansas is not nearly as insulting as " crossbreed dune coon"... Though, I do like a good rhyme.
>Also just how many times do I have to tell you I'm not a neo naiz(sic) Then stop acting like one. >I've been civil with this pseudo-intellectual bottomfeeder No you have not. You've insulted my heritage, my statements without adding anything beyond half-baked, half-assed bottom of the barrel arguments. >So if someone wants to insult my genes, birth, race, and family I have the right after theirs. I've not insulted you beyond saying you're some kid who doesn't back up his statements, posts cringeworthy bullshit from your armchair in bumfuck Kansas. I never insulted your race, genes or your family beyond saying your mother shat you out and that you're fucked in the head, because you clearly fucking are. Drink bleach and do us all a favour.
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>You may be right, how about saying I was abandoned by my parents because I had a deformed head? I said that because your lack of intellect is showing. I back up my statements with facts from the Europol and FBI, you just make logical fallacies to sustain your arguments.
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>The FBI has shown to be untrustworthy with what it considers terrorism. Name example, the Hammonds. The Hammonds are terrorists.
I just don't get what two people are trying to prove (beyond ego/superiority complexes) if they so vehemently disagree with each other... Meh... It's not like I know enough to add much to the topic at hand, ignorance 'n all. But, I don't understand and never will understand bitter hatred for hatred's sake.
>But, I don't understand and never will understand bitter hatred for hatred's sake. I don't hate LordRagna37. I hate his actions. I wish he would learn that his behaviour towards everyone on this site is hostile, unacceptable and his defense of homophobia, sexism etc. is just disgusting and pitiful. The only thing he's proving is how much he hates himself and takes his hatred out on the world when he should direct it at himself, either to fix himself or off himself - I don't care which. He's sick.
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