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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

There's so much wrong with what you're saying Robert that I'm not even going to touch it.
@Elder_Reaper: It won't get done simultaneously, this is why the process needs to be revamped. The time it takes to process these people is another factor into why they sneak in. As well as the country maximum, some end up waiting for years to get into the US. It's ridiculous.
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>It won't get done simultaneously, this is why the process needs to be revamped. The time it takes to process these people is another factor into why they sneak in. As well as the country maximum, some end up waiting for years to get into the US. It's ridiculous. The US has the capacity, what with the depts responsible for immigration, have for a budget, if you know what I mean. You can do both concurrently and that's what I'm suggesting. Trump's policies are damaging and would cost us over 1 Trillion in the first year's budget. >Where exactly did you get that definition? I mean I have yet to even hear about these mythical anarchist alt-righters? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right By definition, alt-right is alternative to the mainstream Conservative media, so it encompasses any right wing ideology falling outside that domain.
@Elder_Reaper: Well, I do have to apologize for jumping the gun there. We may have opposing viewpoints on candidates, but I can tell that you're pretty intelligent when it comes to the issues. And I don't question that we have the ability to work both ends with immigration. We definitely do, IF we worked towards it. It's just that the current people in charge can't even handle the current immigration numbers, so it leaves little for me to expect when it comes to doubling up.
>Well, I do have to apologize for jumping the gun there. We may have opposing viewpoints on candidates, but I can tell that you're pretty intelligent when it comes to the issues. Of course I do. I always do my best to be informed. The main reason I voted for Sanders is I agree with a lot of what he says besides some of his proposed economic policies. What I do like is that his numbers work.
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>I'm not going to vote for Hillary, she's a social justice candidate, and she agrees with Banning video games and violent games. Plus shes a shill for SJWs and wallstreet I won't either. If Trump and Hillary end up going head to head, I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
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