what type of ___ are you?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
what type of ___ are you?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Ok so I took these test and im...
Innocent type of flirt
The female version of me is a shy girl
The male version of me is popular boy (how?)
Pink hair fits me
Apparently I'm smoking hot 0.0
Type of Dere:
(Girls only, not really)
Male version of quiz:
(Females only)
Type of flirt:
Type of girl you would be (for males):
Anime hair color:
How physically attractive are you?:
queeneymemey @queenmemester
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what type of ___ are you?
queeneymemey @queenmemester
Ok from ur quiz! I got dandere, (i thought i would get tsundere wth), i am a popular dude (give me my harem), I am a playful flirt with purple hair and im smoking hot! BOOM!! DONE.
Cool quizzes 20/10 would do it again.
ceresbane @ceresbane
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what type of ___ are you?
ceresbane @ceresbane
I would be referred to as a rake.
TheAnran @arazno
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what type of ___ are you?
TheAnran @arazno
(You may appear silent, or even emotionless at first, until someone "pulls the trigger" and it turns out you were just shy.)
(You show affection through being helpful and warm. If your love interested was stuck in bed with the flu you'd be the first one to show up at their door with soup and a comfy blanket. You're a loving person and don't hold back with those you love, others might even see you as a nurturer to some level. It's your kindness that catches the eye of your love interest, there is a warmth that radiates from your smile and gentle words that they cannot resist.)
Shy Girl
(You Are The Really Shy One! Your favorite color Is usally Light colors [no offense] You Like to read books , And Usually stay by your self , alone in your house. You Barely got friends, but you are so pretty, And Your really cute. You Are A loner You Like Light colors, But your usual friends understand you and they love you the way you are you!)
(These anime characters are a lot like characters with blue hair, but are a lot… stranger. They usually appear emotionless, but are strong-willed, dignified, and humble. These characters also seem to have a strange 'inhuman' essence surrounding them. Female characters with white hair are commonly in relation to magic in one way or another, while anime guys are more like anti-heroes, on a good day. There ARE some characters in anime who have white hair just to indicate that they or their ancestors are from elsewhere, but in this case, it isn't relevant.
You're probably a bizarre person that people have a hard time figuring out. I don't mean this in a negative way, but I did just explain how these characters often behave.)
Smokin Hot!
You are as hot as they come! Studies show that your looks are rated highest in the world! 89% of the world thinks you are attractive! Hollywood time??
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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what type of ___ are you?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
yandere (i didnt even need to take a test to know that), im a playful flirt (obviously), sassy-girl shy girl (idk it gave me two) im smoking hot (wow this test is accurate) and i have yellow hair :/ i was hoping for pink like yuno
xynox @xynox
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what type of ___ are you?
xynox @xynox
Honest Flirt
Popular Boy (like hell.. Lmao)
White Hair
Smokin' hot... I feel like everyone gets smokin' hot. :p
HavePun @havepun
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what type of ___ are you?
HavePun @havepun
Girly Girl
Blue Hair
Smokin' Hot
That test is definitely broken lol
Max @reclaw
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what type of ___ are you?
Max @reclaw
It says I'm a Dandere.
Generous flirt.
A Girly-Girl, lol.
I have blue hair!
I'm Smokin Hot! I mean ofc I am...
Fun thread. And HavPun I like your profile! ;D
HavePun @havepun
commented on
what type of ___ are you?
HavePun @havepun
Thanks, me too ^^ - I looove my profile :O
Joke of course, yours is awesome Max! I'd likely date you if I was a blue-haired girl ^-^
Veru @verucassault
commented on
what type of ___ are you?
Veru @verucassault
Did I just read that Panda is a "sassy girl"?
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