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Why do some women obsess over height so much?

Well, we're getting back on topic c: .. How tall did you think I was?
Around 5'5 or so. Maybe 5'4. You look very petite...petite. I like that word.
I'd have said around 5'6-5'7 honestly e.e
Yeah, I get told a lot that I look shorter than I am. Probably because of my face (my mom's genes).. Thanks to my dad though (he's 6"9') I'm tall af. Has both pros and cons. But I prefer focusing on the pros... Can't change it anyway.
Oh your height is no con. wouldn't stop me from dating you anyway
I wouldn't say she has a babyface o.o i mean, it doesn't look like a babyface to me. and i don't really see any cons with being taller?
@lugexd, I just mean she looks really young. Also since she's so petite, would assume she's short whether she is or not.
yeah, ok, i can see that.
It's pretty true... I got asked for my ID when buying energy drinks 2 weeks ago. Energy drinks. That was kinda depressing. It's in the family though. My dad looks like a college student. We went out to ballet and dinner and we were called a cute couple multiple times..That was just... Sad. Good on my dad though. Fellah looking young af.
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