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Hanzo Kai @ktdx1_ commented on Hello
Feb 05, 16 at 3:03pm
I Haven't but I will now. I've watched anime for a years and I gotta admit I'm kinda of stuck on certain genre's of anime but over the past year I've been trying to branch out. Are there any genre's you wanted try but haven't yet for reasons.
Not really, I tend to stick to the 'slightly more normal genres' as in Comedy, Action, Romance and so on... I have tried the Vampire stuff once... jeez, I did not enjoy it one bit :P
Hanzo Kai @ktdx1_ commented on Hello
Feb 05, 16 at 3:16pm
Umm that much I understand, but I think it also comes down to the Writing, Animation/Sakuga and overall soundtrack, for me even if its a genre I'm not familiar with such Teen Rom-Coms I would most likely still watch it if the Story, Sound and Sakuga/Animations is good. Also can I add you to my friends list cause I gotta have dinner.
Ah fair enough. If you want a good Rom-Com, try ToraDora... Nearly had me in tears by the end :3
Hanzo Kai @ktdx1_ commented on Hello
Feb 05, 16 at 3:21pm
Thank you, catch you later
kimidori @kimidori commented on Hello
Feb 05, 16 at 3:51pm
Oh hi Kai. Welcome! :]
Hanzo Kai @ktdx1_ commented on Hello
Feb 06, 16 at 11:07am
Thank you, Its good to be here I think ;D
Feb 06, 16 at 11:15am
Hello i'm pretty new here to, i hope we can be friends. -chukihttps://31.media.tumblr.com/4f0698b302e6354de5fcca770127d91b/tumblr_mmqr2v0Tlx1qcsesho1_500.gif
Hanzo Kai @ktdx1_ commented on Hello
Feb 06, 16 at 6:03pm
Cool, I haven't any good samurai anime in a while and welcome :D
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