Everything Final Fantasy!

SquallGriever @squallgriever
Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
Have you heard of this game? It's ironic that it's called FINAL fantasy considering it WILL NEVER END! Which is awesome, I really don't want it to. Different stories sharing similar lore or worlds or monsters. I don't think I'll ever get tired of them.
My favorite is Final Fantasy VIII. That guy went from soldier to paradox. If you played it, you might know what I mean.
What's your favorite?

hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
This is the funny thing, I've never played Final Fantasy... :P
That saying, i'm always open to trying out new games.
Let me know your suggestions :)
- Hans.

SquallGriever @squallgriever
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
Everyone goes for the Final Fantasy 7, since apparently it has spin-offs coming out the wazoo. But it is a playstation 1 game so I don't know how old school you want to go. You could also check out the CGI movie Final Fantasy Advent Children, the sequel to the game FF7 basically. Beautiful movie but a little hard to follow sometimes.
If you want to get into last gen console, Final Fantasy XIII is on PS3 and Xbox360. Great action and tactical battle system with sweet visuals and the story was pretty decent.
And if you like online games like Eve Online or World of Warcraft, I think Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is the awesomest of all online role playing games. Great battle system, ps4 to PC cross play (play with people on either platform), consistent story throughout the whole game and what would an RPG be without tons of sidequests and side stories.
If you like rhythm games and have a 3DS there's Final Fantasy Theatherythm. Basically your standard rhythm game with pushing buttons and swiveling your stylus to a beat. Plus it has scenes and song from just about every single final fantasy game released.
Pick your poison :)

xueli @xueli
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
xueli @xueli
To this day, I still think ff6 is the best one

SquallGriever @squallgriever
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
Terra will always be the best female lead, no doubt. Lightning and Serah from FFXIII were good but nowhere near close. Who was your favorite summon?

toujou @toujou
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
toujou @toujou
And so the nostalgia of FF7 on ps1 returns.
Sadly, I haven't touched any FF since then.

hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
I have heard good things about FF7, i'll be sure to keep an eye out for it! :D
Thanks for all the great advice ^_^

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
Is anyone going to that final fantasy 15 conference?

Bunnyman @taiyou
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Bunnyman @taiyou
Final Fantasy was called that cuz it was originally their last attempt. They weren't doing well before that. Then it took off.
Final Fantasy 15? :o....eh...I'll more than likely stick with 14...
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