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Do you believe in a soulmate?

Feb 05, 16 at 9:48pm
Nope for me too. I think there are varying degrees of compatibility with other people but to be like 100% compatible? Not possible. I think humans are way more complex than to be something that is that static where you can actually find someone who is 100% compatible and then not change or grow
THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE. Please don't assume I'm trying to push my beliefs on you guys I just want to put in my own two cents. Lol. I believe each of us have many different soul mates but we have one twin flame soul mate which you don't get to see in every life time, Only very rarely are you both born into the same life time and find each other and basically that would your true true soul mate, the other side of your soul flame. It's suppose to be when our soul is born into the universe they are split into two parts and that other part of your soul is called the twin flame soul mate. It's made this way so that the soul will never be truly alone, usually it splits into a female and male counter parts.. But sometimes the female soul is born into male body or vise versa that is why there are males and females who don't feel they belong in their born body of gender. The soul has to go through alot of experiences in order to spiritually grow and they say our soul is always constantly seeking our other half that is why we need relationships and why love is a thing we Need, of course with your other common soul mates you meet in your life times it's different it's more like your being each other's company for the moment in this life time but a twin flame soul mate is suppose to feel very different kind of love that is just unexplained in words I guess, It's more just like completeness..I'm not sure. I'm positive my twin flame soul mate is not here in this life time for me. It's most likely because my soul is not ready spiritually to meet with his, I have this feeling I know so because when ever I look up to the stars or the sky I feel like there is something out there far away out of my reach that I long for deeply, It's just this feeling inside me. Does that mean I won't have a boyfriend or a relationship and experiences and get married and what not? Of course not lol, I have to have those type of things we humans are beings that need love in order to grow. I'm sure to find my soul mate in this life but it won't be my twin flame soul mate and I know that deep inside..You just kind of 'know' if your connected with your subconscious at some level..It's just a feeling I guess.
Feb 06, 16 at 7:48pm
Yes and there is only one :) all others are fakes..
Feb 06, 16 at 7:49pm
@Momo Which we tend to say everytime we meet the "new one"
Feb 06, 16 at 7:53pm
Yes of course, I did too..but i belive there is this one Person that will stay and make me smile from The first second to The last ... If we all get to find them..? Thats a different question, we get blinded by fakes too much
Feb 06, 16 at 8:04pm
I'd never be content with such a love. I want a dramatic and all-consuming love. A love that makes me feel the most grief I ever felt and the most blissful happiness I ever felt. You stop appreciating happiness if you don't experience pain so I don't think there is such a thing like a partner who makes you smile non-stop.
No, but I'd like to have one so maybe I don't even know what I want. I just want to have fun in my life tbh. Like, he doesn't have to make my life a complete comedy but more like make me want to strive to be better. Idk I don't believe in it but I would like to have someone making me happy, filling some voids I'll probably get in the future... I don't even know myself.
What if your soulmate has died? Just one of those random thoughts I have that if they were real, my luck would be they passed away in some form. The world feels so lonely sometimes.
Well doesn't it sound romantic lmao if they are dead then I'll probably get happiness out of getting a kid or something. Afterall nobody deserves to be alone when they get old.
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