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What is it like dating you?

Remus, I hope you weren't the guy at Ohayocon that con I kept getting reports about. XD
@OP: If any woman would be dating me, she should be ready to follow me in my mission in life. Not every day would be sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. I don't even have all the time in world. In spite of all that, I will devote time for her no matter how she's doing. During that time with her, everything else is secondary. I can be difficult to be with, and stubborn as hell. Even if she strongly disagrees with me, I will be listening to her. My ears are open when I strongly disagree with her. Ultimately, she and I can either compromise or agree to disagree. Conversations can be about anything, everything, or nothing. Whatever inspires us at that moment. Ideally, I'd like to talk about people, Anime, Video Games, and abstract stuff. I'd say "parallel universes" and the "conflict between the needs of an individual versus the needs of the society." There will be fun times. I plan to take her hiking, skydiving, or go to the amusement park to ride roller coasters. I'll take her out to watch a movie, eat at an interesting restaurant, or go ballroom dancing. Even if it's something that I'm not too crazy about like going to see a play, I'm game for that. Other than those, it's going to be a mystery. Flowers and other tokens of affection will be spontaneously given because I want to. Nyaa... When it comes to sex, my idea about it would be fun, consensual, and non-judgmental. There's no shame discussing about one's sexual agenda. There's no doubt that I will make mistakes. I'm human after all. If I'm ever found to be at fault for something, then I will find a way to do right by her. If she messes up, I'm most likely to be quick to forgive. In dating and relationships, it's all about what I can give to the other person. For the next woman who comes into my life, I'd like to lead her to a place where she's a step closer to being a stronger version of herself
@Chocopyro Most likely lmao
Jan 31, 16 at 4:13am
Get ready for some drama lol well I dont know, I'm clingy, possessive, can do anything I can for the one I'm dating with but just to the extent that I'm comfortable with... a guy said to me before that I'm sweet and adorable but nah I think not because I'm just too pain in the ass xD
Dating me is like being in a constant swirl of fire and being covered in fireproof bugs and snakes. ;D On a more serious note I prefer the simpler (less expensive, partially because I don't make much) things which leads to a lot of "staying in". A lot of netflix / anime and chill with some cuddles and Baseball <3 my first love. Plus who wouldn't have a blast on GTA or CoD with their significant other :) Although I do go out sometimes (as much as my sentiments above may imply otherwise) and my New Yorker family well almost ensure you get a good chance to see all the sights New York City has to offer.
Feb 03, 16 at 7:51pm
Person dating me would be surprised with yummy baked goods on special occasions, because I love food and I love to bake and cook. ^o^ Person dating me would possibly get annoyed at my gaming habits. I can really get hooked to games, just being honest, but if there's multiplayer she can most certainly join in. (´。・v・。`) If she were up to it we would go on adventures on my motorcycle, and find some nice scenery. Alternatively I could teach her to ride one as well. ♡(灬˘╰╯˘)乂(˘╰╯˘灬)♡ Person dating me would be treated with lots of respect, and I would give her all my attention on dates. (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Feb 04, 16 at 8:32pm
Like owning a dog. A bothersome one. Although I don't bite thats the only disadvantage.
Feb 04, 16 at 9:05pm
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There would be days where I would answer text like "lol" and "okay" or "Yeah." and other days profoundly epic texts and lots of selfies, photo spam and the occasional sexy photos depending on the mood... There would be random gifts of whatever my mood is, this may be food or a snack, a mix CD I made, a thing I bought at Book Off, a thing I bought at Daiso, or something else. There would be long, thought out discussions of One Piece and Undertale, long trips to the clothing/shoe/Book Off/Daiso stores. Mandatory Tapioca Express, concert, anime convention, and movie trips that you'd regret not going on for one reason or another. You'd probably meet a lot of my awesome friends because of this, and go to our near-weekly nerd parties at my friend's houses. Also, I relish Steampunk and cosplay events. Dates would probably involve Japanese food or some weird foodie type thing, and possibly a movie and lots of walking around and talking. The longer we talk, the better it went. Due to my serious, unsmiling expression, you will find me VERY hard to read. I'm kind of a kuudere. My anger style is cold and passive-aggressive. I try not to get angry often, but if you are irritating me, I will probably suggest it by some sort of sarcasm. For instance a guy asked if I'd like to have dinner with him in a dumpster outside of a Mc Donalds, I told him "almost as much as I'd like to step on a rusty nail and have it go through my toe, or walk naked through a church full of people I know." then he said "I could make your dreams come true." to which I responded "I hope it's the dream I had about driving over rush hour traffic in a monster truck." He didn't get it, but that's my caliber of sarcasm. Personally, I LOVE monster trucks somewhere after cats, One Piece, Metal, and Visual Kei. You'd sometimes hear me complain with things like "I think my boss is pissed at me." and when you ask why I'd say something like "I don't know, he just had a foreboding air about him, and an expression of "GRRR ARRRGH!" on his face all day." There will be moments of fun and nonsense, and Line chat with One Piece sticker spam, and there will be moments of long, awkward silence. There will be sarcastic jokes that may or may not go over your head, and serious expressions. I would propose adventures and fun stuff and sometimes just fall asleep exhausted from it. As for intimacy... NO SPOILERS! But, I will tell you whatever I can do will blow your mind... ^_~ Anything you might possibly want... will probably be done. However if you are not a good partner you will not get a second chance cause I'm not very nice if you screw things up. It's actually hard to screw up but if you did I wouldn't tell you... Screwing up is like, something idiotic you did that'd make me have to go to the gyno... But, yeah... so putting up with my quirks is worth it I'd say.
Feb 05, 16 at 11:24am
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