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I need opinions

^ He'll be fine, he'd the blood of stark--- I meant viking run through his veins. Keep it up, child. After the cold wind of winter of your life, there'll be warm spring sun awaiting for you. Trust me.
Tyz @tyz commented on I need opinions
Jan 18, 16 at 10:58am
^ mamani_nnnn ^ I see, thanks for the advice! I hope the sun comes real soon! ^SuperFranky^ Will do, i'll turn to you for more advice incase i run into walker troubles. Anyway, i still want to try though, but not as fanatically from now on. I will go about as usual and if i do find someone awesome, i'll probably still hope for a relationship of sorts. Somehow i always manage to put things weirdly, it's hard to explain why i want a girlfriend, but it's for honest reasons and sure, it would make me feel less lonely, but i'm still thinking that if i ever get into a relationship, it'd because i'm with someone i absolutely love, love as in someone i adore and care for. Not weird animal instincts or chemical reactions like some say, i've never been into that. If i care about a person, i've noticed i do just about anything to have the person like me, not in extreme or weird ways though ofcourse. I just get a bit too commited you could say. Not that it's a bad thing, i just mean to say that things will work out fine for me, i'm confident! Anyway although some posts have been discouraging and so on, it's helped me understand myself a bit better and i've come to the decision that would best be described as "Calm the f**k down" and go about a bit more normally. Thanks everyone! I'll add you all as friends, helped me out alot, you deserve it. P.S (My friendlist is small because it's VIP, not because nobody likes me...)
Young Squire, I advise you to use your solitude. Use it to refine yourself so that when you do meat that person you are looking for, you have the individuality and maturity of character to support a relationship. Strengthen your body, sharpen your mind, steel your character. When the time comes, you will be a man for a relationship instead of an isolated boy. It is hard, I get it, I have never even been to a public or private school where I could make friends, I was home schooled. If I survived, so can you.
Tyz @tyz commented on I need opinions
Jan 19, 16 at 8:42am
Thank you for the post brave Sir Knight, the wisdom in your words bring hope and strength to me, i will remember them closely, and i will survive! For one day i'll be the man for a relationship i so dream of. Or something like that, thanks for the post!
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