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I need opinions

Jan 16, 16 at 11:09pm
Hello, thanks for stopping by! As the title reads, i need opinions, any kind of them are fine to me, advice are also great! So here's the deal... I've recently (For a few months) been putting alot of my mind down into finding a girlfriend, and it has brought me here to this website, but now that i actually think about it, is it even possible? Is effort gonna bring me anything in this regard? I'm a 14 year old guy and because of "reasons" i've been out of school for about a year now, skipping around the details though, this means i've had most of the connections to people my age almost completely cut off for the past year. I'm thinking i need a girlfriend that might make things a bit better just by being there for me and letting me be there for her, i could go on.... I'm looking for something as serious as it gets on the internet. In the end though, it's on the internet, and it's supposed to be a girl, which is rare, and then it's supposed to be a girl around my age, which is even rarer, and then someone who'd like me enough to be my girlfriend? Beyond rare... I feel pretty hopeless about this at the moment but, I'm not the kind to give up and i'm gonna keep looking, especially since i've only been on here for maybe two or three days, but i need to hear what you guys think about my chances or what i should do? Maybe i should wait until i'm 18, i don't know, what do you guys think? Thanks again for reading, have a nice day all of you! ^^
A GF isn't really all that big of a deal. Trust me when I say," You're not missing out on anything special". If you continue to search for one good luck :D p.s (it might be hard here because a lot of people are older here)
Jan 16, 16 at 11:55pm
http://i.imgur.com/hNxt4WO.jpg But good luck anyways.
Jan 17, 16 at 12:26am
Tyz, you remind me of myself back when I was around your age. So, I understand how you're feeling. I have to tell you that having a girlfriend isn't all what it's made out to be. I didn't get my first girlfriend until I was a sophomore in high school, and even then it felt kind of underwhelming. Long story short, we dated for a short while before she decided to ditch me. I've been in a few other relationships since then. You shouldn't rush it. You might meet someone nice sooner or later. Until then, just live your life and try to find your own goals.
Jan 17, 16 at 10:46am
Dude, your 14. Why are you so worried about getting a gf? When I was that age I was more worried about scrounging up enough part time gigs over Summer to afford new games I wanted. You frankly sounds like you need to concentrate on getting your own life back on track. If you're having a lot of issues for whatever reasons they may be, getting a gf isn't going to fix most of them. To be personally frank, even if you find someone around your same age, is she going to want to deal with any social, emotional, and/or real life problems/baggage her bf has when she has her own things going on as far as school, extra curriculars, etc? It's no offense to you personally, but most girls are going to look for someone around them who has a more stable life situation than with what you are potentially dealing with. And that's even assuming someone around 14-15 is even looking for a bf at that age.
Tyz @tyz commented on I need opinions
Jan 17, 16 at 12:11pm
Alright, i read through all of these and they are about what i might've expected, thanks though! So i do know it's not all that awesome, and it's not exactly a "fix" i'm getting if i ever get a girlfriend. I thought some replies were funny but most of them were true and i'll share my thoughts. I think i put things in an odd angle, i'm for starters not exactly looking for a girlfriend to satisfy any odd needs or for any reason like that, i really just feel extremely lonely at times because of being so, well... Lonely in a really empty town with no real friends whatsoever. And the point is, there have been times when that loneliness/depression just got completely washed away when i hang out with someone i really like. Even online. No matter how much i might enjoy my time with other friends it still feels depressing, i don't know why but that's how i've experienced it, and to also be frank that's the reason why i'm looking for a girlfriend at all. I need to stop being so depressed and get a move on with my life, a girlfriend won't fix it, i know, and i never thought it would. But it sure as hell will help. Atleast that's the hope i have about this. So i guess i could rephrase it a bit, i need a best friend, a real one. And i suppose i've always just pictured it to be a girl my age that i could dare share any feelings with. I also never thought about the whole "problems/baggage" part so thanks for the eye-opener, but that's the question that's been on my mind for awhile i suppose, would she be willing to deal with it? :/ Anyway, i've realized i'm probably chasing the wrong thing. I guess i'll go about more casually. As for a fix to my depression, Back to the drawing board!
Lol your having the same exact problem I did when I was your age only difference is that I didn't have internet lol or electricity for that matter. If you left school by your own choice then go back if not then just try to make as many friends online as possible. If you have a lot of friends then time will go by a lot faster.
Tyz @tyz commented on I need opinions
Jan 17, 16 at 1:40pm
Haha, i wouldn't have survived, boredom would wreck me, thanks for the advice ^^
Oh my sweet summer child,I understand how you're feeling. I had my first boyfriend when I'm 14 too. I'm confessed to him probably because on that time I'm lonely. Things didn't went well tho, we ended up broke up after 2 months. I still feel guilt for just using him to concealed my lonely. Don't have a relationship just because you're lonely, bro. It's hurting both sides. What's you need now is friends, bro. It doesn't have to be around your ages. Just someone that trustworthy. //Head patting
Just make sure you have electricity for the long winter, cause that's when the white walkers come.
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